SOROWAKO, RAKYAT NEWS- On the occasion of its 56th anniversary, Vale Indonesia Inc held a special event titled “Synergy for Sustainability: Stepping Forward, Building a Sustainable Life Together” at Persesos Field, Sorowako (July 3, 2024).

Vale Inc or PT Vale Indonesia Tbk is a mining company that operates one of the world’s largest nickel mining and processing facilities. It is an Indonesian subsidiary of the global mining giant Vale S.A., which is based in Brazil. PT Vale is primarily focused on the exploration, mining, processing, and production of nickel in Indonesia. Its operations are located in Sulawesi, where it extracts laterite nickel ore and processes it into nickel-in-matte, a product that contains around 78% nickel, which is then exported primarily to Japan. The company is a significant player in the global nickel market, contributing to the supply chain for stainless steel production and electric vehicle batteries.

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The event was  attended by the board of directors, employees, business partners, and around 13,000 local residents, were both safe and festive.

This celebration marks a moment of reflection on the company’s journey since 1968 and an opportunity to strengthen its commitment to sustainability and positive contributions to society and the environment.

In her speech,Vale Indonesia’s CEO, Febriany Eddy, expressed her gratitude to all parties who have played significant roles in the company’s journey.

“We are deeply grateful to our founders, board of directors, management, employees, and all partners who have been part of PT Vale’s 56-year history. Our achievements are the result of the hard work and dedication of everyone involved,” said Febriany.

“We are here to enhance the quality of life and build a better future. Together. This principle has always guided us in every step we take towards sustainability and community welfare. This year, the company takes a significant step forward with the acquisition of the Special Mining Business License (IUPK), which strengthens the company’s legality and operations. This achievement would not have been possible without the full support of the government, stakeholders, and all elements of society who have consistently provided trust and positive contributions to Vale’s progress,” she added.

Since its inception, Vale has undergone various transformations, establishing itself as one of Indonesia’s leading mining companies. Focusing on responsible and sustainable mining practices, PT Vale continues to innovate in various operational aspects. This aligns with the company’s values of prioritizing safety, sustainability, and community welfare.

On this occasion, Febriany also reaffirmed Vale’s commitment to supporting local and national economic development.

“We are committed to making tangible contributions to improving community welfare through various corporate social responsibility programs. We believe that our success must be in harmony with the progress and welfare of the communities around us,” she added.

The 56th-anniversary celebrations of Vale began in July 2024, featuring various social and environmental activities involving the company’s community empowerment areas. Programs such as tree planting, environmental education, and charitable activities are part of the company’s efforts to create a sustainable positive impact.

The celebrations also took place in the company’s development areas in South, Central, and Southeast Sulawesi. In Makassar, Morowali, and Kolaka, the festivities were enlivened with various competitions and cultural events showcasing local cultural wealth, such as decorated boat races and traditional culinary festivals.

In Morowali, a regional dance competition involved various local art groups, along with a bazaar featuring Central Sulawesi’s traditional handicrafts. Meanwhile, in Kolaka, the events included art and cultural exhibitions, traditional competitions such as sack races, and ethnic music performances that resonated throughout the region.

The grand finale of Vale’s 56th anniversary celebration was hosted by renowned Indonesian actress, presenter, and radio broadcaster, Indy Barends. The atmosphere was further enlivened by traditional South Sulawesi dances and energetic performances by local bands. The highlight of the evening was a performance by the famous Indonesian band Gigi, which electrified the spirit of the East Luwu community.

The Regent of East Luwu, Budiman, expressed his appreciation to Vale. According to him, at 56 years old, Vale has provided exceptional entertainment for the East Luwu community.

“On behalf of the government, we express our gratitude to PT Vale’s management for their contributions and support to the people and government of East Luwu,” he said.

He added that the company’s achievements over 56 years reflect the good relationship between the government, Vale, and the East Luwu community. “Let us maintain this good relationship together, continue to synergize and collaborate for the advancement of our region,” he urged.

Acting Governor of South Sulawesi, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, also offered his prayers and support for Vale’s continued progress and sustainability. “Let us support PT Vale Indonesia so that it can continue to develop East Luwu and synergize with the community,” he stated. (Uki Ruknuddin)