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Uki Ruknuddin

Your best news stringer Indonesia
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Australian Embassy in Jakarta recently hosted a special *Buka Puasa* (Iftar) event to celebrate International
TOKYO, RAKYAT NEWS – Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), one of Indonesia’s leading state-owned banks, has been honored with the prestigious title
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Amnesty International Indonesia has strongly condemned the widespread terror, intimidation, and violence targeting
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian Journalists Safety Committee (KKJ) has condemned a shocking act of intimidation against a female
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – In a shocking incident that has raised concerns over press freedom in Indonesia, Francisca Christy Rosana, a journalist
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian government, under President Prabowo Subianto, has projected a need for 6.84 million hectares of land to
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Amnesty International Indonesia has strongly condemned the extrajudicial killing of three police officers in Lampung,
MAKASSAR, RAKYAT NEWS – Dalam upaya meningkatkan kerja sama dalam memerangi peredaran narkoba dan bahan kosmetik berbahaya, Karang Taruna Kota
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Indonesia is set to boost its domestic gold production with the launch of two new precious metal refineries (PMRs) owned
MAUMERE, RAKYAT NEWS – In a controversial ruling today, the Maumere District Court sentenced eight indigenous community members from Sikka,
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – In a significant move to protect Overseas Indonesian Workers (OIWs) or usually known as TKI: Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, the
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian government and the House of Representatives (DPR) or Law Makers are facing sharp criticism for holding
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung has set an ambitious target to sterilize 21,000 domestic cats across the capital by the
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA), a leading energy services company in Indonesia, has announced a capital expenditure (capex)
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS — The Indonesian government has recently presented the Draft of the Revised National Military Bill (RUU TNI) to parliament, a
RUSIA, RAKYAT NEWS – Presiden Federasi Rusia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin mengadakan rapat kerja di salah satu pos komando militer di wilayah
MAKASSAR, RAKYAT NEWS – Di tengah permasalahan peredaran narkoba yang semakin memprihatinkan, Karang Taruna Kota Makassar menunjukkan komitmen
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The giant PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) has pledged its full support for the implementation of Government
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – In light of recent incidents involving police violence, wrongful arrests, torture, sexual abuse, and extrajudicial
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The sudden appearance of a new airline, Indonesia Airlines, has sparked discussions in Indonesia’s aviation sector. The