JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Australian Embassy in Jakarta recently hosted a special *Buka Puasa* (Iftar) event to celebrate International

BRI Crowned Best SME Bank in Indonesia at Prestigious Asian Banker Awards 2025
Rakyat News English
TOKYO, RAKYAT NEWS – Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), one of Indonesia’s leading state-owned banks, has been honored with the prestigious title

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Amnesty International Indonesia has strongly condemned the widespread terror, intimidation, and violence targeting

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian Journalists Safety Committee (KKJ) has condemned a shocking act of intimidation against a female

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – In a shocking incident that has raised concerns over press freedom in Indonesia, Francisca Christy Rosana, a journalist

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian government, under President Prabowo Subianto, has projected a need for 6.84 million hectares of land to

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Amnesty International Indonesia has strongly condemned the extrajudicial killing of three police officers in Lampung,
MAKASSAR, RAKYAT NEWS – Dalam upaya meningkatkan kerja sama dalam memerangi peredaran narkoba dan bahan kosmetik berbahaya, Karang Taruna Kota

Indonesia Ramps Up Gold Production with New Freeport and Amman Refineries
Rakyat News English
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Indonesia is set to boost its domestic gold production with the launch of two new precious metal refineries (PMRs) owned

MAUMERE, RAKYAT NEWS – In a controversial ruling today, the Maumere District Court sentenced eight indigenous community members from Sikka,

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – In a significant move to protect Overseas Indonesian Workers (OIWs) or usually known as TKI: Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, the

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian government and the House of Representatives (DPR) or Law Makers are facing sharp criticism for holding

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung has set an ambitious target to sterilize 21,000 domestic cats across the capital by the

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA), a leading energy services company in Indonesia, has announced a capital expenditure (capex)

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS — The Indonesian government has recently presented the Draft of the Revised National Military Bill (RUU TNI) to parliament, a

RUSIA, RAKYAT NEWS – Presiden Federasi Rusia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin mengadakan rapat kerja di salah satu pos komando militer di wilayah
MAKASSAR, RAKYAT NEWS – Di tengah permasalahan peredaran narkoba yang semakin memprihatinkan, Karang Taruna Kota Makassar menunjukkan komitmen

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The giant PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) has pledged its full support for the implementation of Government

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – In light of recent incidents involving police violence, wrongful arrests, torture, sexual abuse, and extrajudicial

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The sudden appearance of a new airline, Indonesia Airlines, has sparked discussions in Indonesia’s aviation sector. The
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