KOLAKA, RAKYAT NEWS – Vale Indonesia Inc, through the Indonesia Growth Project (IGP) Pomalaa, once again held its “Vale Goes to School” program at public junior high school (SMPN) 1 Pomalaa on Saturday, May 18, 2024.

This event, themed “Shaping the Youth, Building the Future,” focused on educating students about waste management and composting.

“Vale Goes to School” is part of the World Environment Day 2024 celebrations, observed annually on June 5.

In addition to composting education, Vale IGP Pomalaa organized a Recycling Competition for the students. This initiative aims to encourage creativity in transforming inorganic waste into useful and marketable products.

Prior to this, early waste management education was conducted at public primary school (SDN) 1 Pesouha and SDN 1 Huko-huko, Kolaka district

Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders, Educating the Youth for a Better Life

Vale’s commitment to the 3Ps—Planet, People, and Profit—is reflected in its support for government and community environmental programs.

Mohammad Rifai, Project Director of Vale IGP Inc Pomalaa, emphasized Vale’s significant role in environmental conservation in Southeast Sulawesi. He highlighted that one of Vale’s core values is Respect for Our Planet and Communities, aligned with its commitment to good mining practices and sustainable mining.

“Our planet is currently facing significant challenges. Whether it becomes barren and desolate is up to us. It is our responsibility to identify what we can collectively improve,” Rifai stated.

One of Vale Inc’s efforts in environmental preservation is promoting composting. Compost is the safest fertilizer for the environment because it is made from organic materials. Properly managed organic waste can be beneficial and economically valuable.