MAKASSAR, RAKYAT NEWS- Faculty of Engineering  at Bosowa University (Unibos) held a General Lecture in collaboration with McGill University featuring Prof. Agus P. Sasmito, Ph.D., Associate Professor at McGill’s Department of Mining and Industry & Material Engineering, discussing issues related to the Mining and Material Industry in Indonesia with students.

The lecture took place at Balai Sidang 45 on Friday, June 14, 2024.

The event was attended by Aksa Mahmud Foundation Chairman, Asrul Hidayat, Vice Rector IV of Unibos, Dr. Ir. Agus Salim, S.T., M.T., Dean of FT Unibos, Dr. H. Nasrullah, S.T., M.T., and students from the Mining Engineering Program as participants in the lecture themed “Downstreaming of the Mining Sector in Indonesia”.

In his address, Dr. Ir. Agus Salim, S.T., M.T., Vice Rector IV of Unibos, expressed the initial concept behind organizing this general lecture on the mining industry.

“Downstreaming of the mining sector is currently a hot topic in Indonesia, considering the contradictions among its factors such as utilizing the mining sector to accelerate economic growth while environmental aspects constantly limit its development. Therefore, lengthy discussions and dialectics are needed as solutions to these issues,” he explained.

On the other hand, Prof. Agus P. Sasmito, Ph.D., the speaker at this general lecture, shared his views on the potential of mining in Indonesia.

“After observing the immense richness of Indonesia’s mining potential, I want to share with my colleagues at Unibos how we can discuss how we can solve the problems in our mining and materials,” he said.