Jakarta Murugan Temple Celebrates Religious Harmony, Draws Visitors from India and Malaysia
07/02/2025 07:00
Oleh : Uki Ruknuddin
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This development marks a crucial step in Indonesia’s efforts to safeguard its overseas workforce while addressing the economic benefits of labor

“The government and DPR must stop deceiving the public and start prioritizing the interests of the people,” said Julius Ibrani of the Indonesian

Another notable aspect of the initiative is Pramono’s proposal for creating a dedicated “cat island” in Jakarta’s Thousand Islands

The coalition firmly rejects the draft of the revised TNI law, urging the government and parliament to focus on issues that are more urgent for

Agus Noorsanto highlighted the importance of collaboration between the government, exporters, and the banking sector. “Through this synergy,

Indonesia Airlines has ambitious plans, claiming it will offer premium services akin to private jet experiences. Initially, the airline will focus on
Kronologi Kejadian Video tersebut viral di media sosial, dimana terlihat petugas Dishub Kota Bekasi marah karena direkam oleh sopir mobil. “Jangan

Peringati Nuzulul Quran, Appi-Aliyah Santuni 2.600 Anak Yatim
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