Amnesty International : Human Rights Situation Worsens in the First 100 Days of Indonesian Prabowo-Gibran Administration
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The human rights situation during the first 100 days of the Prabowo-Gibran administration has drawn criticism from Amnesty International Indonesia, citing ongoing violations and regression in rights protections.
Between October 20, 2024, and January 20, 2025, the organization observed numerous human rights violations that were seemingly legitimized through policies, decisions, and statements made by public officials.
Ordinary citizens, including children, have faced criminalization, intimidation, and extrajudicial violence. Indigenous communities and fishermen have lost access to their lands, seas, and natural resources. Discrimination against women and religious minorities remains pervasive, and the death penalty continues to be imposed.
According to Amnesty International, these issues reflect a continuation of setbacks from the previous administration under President Jokowi, with minimal efforts for improvement by the new government.
Usman Hamid, Executive Director of Amnesty International Indonesia, remarked that the current administration appears to lack an understanding of the importance of human rights.
He emphasized that political freedoms and social justice are fundamental pillars upheld by nations worldwide. Without genuine reforms, the government risks repeating the failures of past administrations.
Usman noted that many human rights violations occurring now are direct extensions of those from the previous era. He added that failing to address them constitutes a violation in itself.
Referencing Indonesian author Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s metaphor of a “backward current,” Usman described the decline of human rights in the new government’s first 100 days.
Denial of Past Human Rights Violations
From the outset, the administration’s approach to human rights has been troubling.

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