Indonesia’s Green Industry Sector Surpasses Emission Reduction Targets as Decarbonization Roadmap Takes Shape
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is collaborating with two think tanks, World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia and the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), to prepare a roadmap for decarbonizing Indonesia’s industrial sector.
This initiative aims to support the country’s goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which is a decade earlier than the national target. Kemenperin is focusing on decarbonizing priority industrial subsectors, reducing industrial emissions, and fostering the development of a green industry ecosystem and a circular economy.
The roadmap will include strategies for emissions reductions, mechanisms for greenhouse gas exchanges, and the economic value of carbon in the industrial sector. Additionally, efforts will be made to strengthen the green industry ecosystem and expand the circular economy, which will play a key role in achieving sustainability targets. Deputy Minister of Industry, Faisol Riza, emphasized that transitioning to a green industry is no longer optional but an essential step for the future of both the nation and the planet.
WRI Indonesia’s Country Director, Nirarta Samadhi, mentioned that WRI has been supporting the development of decarbonization roadmaps for nine industrial subsectors. WRI’s commitment includes providing recommendations and supporting the creation of a resilient green industrial ecosystem that will help meet Indonesia’s low-carbon economic growth targets.
IESR’s Executive Director, Fabby Tumiwa, highlighted that decarbonizing industries presents not only a challenge but also a significant opportunity for Indonesia to become a regional leader in low-carbon industries. IESR will continue its support by providing studies, guidance, and policy recommendations to help industries adapt to global sustainability standards and enhance national competitiveness in the circular economy era.

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