She reiterated the importance of international partnerships in fostering sustainable growth.

“We are proud to support initiatives led by local communities that generate income while also preserving the environment,” she concluded, highlighting the significance of joint efforts in addressing global challenges.

The moves of UK in Maros are welcomed by women activists in the region, it believed increasingly at the forefront of advocating for sustainable development and environmental preservation.

Nur Suhrah Wardyah Sibali,
emphasize that empowering women is crucial for driving green economic initiatives in the region.

“Women play a vital role in managing natural resources and leading community-based ecotourism projects,” she said

The local activist highlights that these initiatives not only generate income but also promote environmental awareness among the community, women’s protection, ensuring a sustainable future for the next generations.

Moreover, women leaders are advocating for greater representation in decision-making processes related to environmental policies.

“When women are involved, we see a more holistic approach to sustainability that benefits the entire community,” she said

She stresses the importance of collaboration between local governments and grassroots organizations to create inclusive policies that address both economic growth and ecological conservation. This dual focus, she argue, is essential for achieving long-term sustainability in Maros and beyond. (Uki Ruknuddin)