Muliaman Darmansyah Hadad, the head of BPI Danantara, confirmed that the superholding’s structure would align with the framework outlined in the BUMN Bill recently passed by the DPR. He added that while the precise names for key positions within Danantara were still under review, the process would follow President Prabowo’s directives and the applicable Presidential and Government regulations.

While Muliaman offered few details regarding the operational regulations that would be established to guide Danantara’s actions, he confirmed that they would be incorporated into a set of Government Regulations (PP). These guidelines are intended to provide clarity on Danantara’s activities, including asset management and investment oversight.

With the BUMN Bill now in effect, all eyes are on the upcoming regulations that will define the scope and responsibilities of Danantara. The government aims to ensure that the new body will effectively channel investments into critical sectors, contributing to Indonesia’s long-term development goals, particularly in food, housing, and energy. (Uki Ruknuddin)

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