Indonesia Grants Christmas Remission to Over 16,000 Inmates Nationwide
Among juvenile offenders, the highest number of sentence reductions were granted to those in North Sumatra and West Papua. Each of these provinces had 23 juvenile offenders who received a reduction in their sentences. Additionally, Papua saw 20 children benefiting from the program, emphasizing the government’s focus on juvenile rehabilitation.
The remission program is governed by various legal frameworks, including Law No. 22 of 2022 on Corrections, Government Regulation No. 32 of 1999 and its amendments, and Presidential Decree No. 174 of 1999. These regulations outline the criteria and procedures for granting remissions, ensuring that the process is fair and transparent.
Minister Agus extended his congratulations to the inmates and juvenile offenders celebrating Christmas with their remission. He encouraged them to continue working on their rehabilitation and remain productive members of society. He also expressed his appreciation for the efforts of correctional officers, the government, and other stakeholders who support inmate rehabilitation and contribute to the success of this program. (Uki Ruknuddin)

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