Bali Nine Prisoners: Transfer to Australia Could Happen Before Christmas, Says Yusril
06/12/2024 10:20
Oleh : Uki Ruknuddin
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Indonesia Surpasses France and UK in Global GDP Rankings, IMF Says
Rakyat News English
The country’s focus on infrastructure development and economic diversification has also played a significant role in boosting its economic outlook.
US Exit from Paris Agreement Fails to Dent Indonesia’s Solar Energy Ambitions
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However, the renewable energy sector in Indonesia has faced some uncertainty following mixed signals from Energy and Mineral Resources Minister
Lieutenant Colonel Awan also clarified that while law enforcement would be led by the South Sulawesi Police (Polda Sulsel), the military would
OJK Launches Three-Phase Strategy to Boost Crypto Literacy and Regulation
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The final phase, which is the strengthening phase, will prioritize sustaining and innovating within the crypto sector. During this phase, OJK plans
USAID Headquarters in Washington Officially Closed Following Trump’s Approval
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In a related development, U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio confirmed on Monday that he would serve as the acting director of USAID. He emphasized
Meanwhile, the Indonesian government, through the Public Relations office of the Hasanuddin Military Command (Kodam), did not provide any significant
The honorary consul is also an influential figure in the tourism industry, as he owns one of the largest five-star resorts in Obzor. He has expressed
Despite these dangerous conditions, Langker and Felice remained dedicated to their mission. They embarked on foot after multiple flights in Papua New
Selanjutnya, pada Oktober 2024, Fauzan menjalani pemeriksaan kesehatan yang didanai oleh Poltekpar Makassar untuk memastikan kesiapan fisiknya
“Melalui forum ini, kami ingin mendengar masukan dari berbagai pihak agar strategi pengembangan pariwisata di Makassar lebih efektif. Kita harus
Presiden Joe Biden kemudian mengembalikan dukungan AS terhadap Dewan HAM PBB, dan AS kembali mendapatkan kursi di dalam badan tersebut yang
RAKYAT.NEWS, JAKARTA – PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Daerah Operasi (Daop) 1 Jakarta bersama Pemerintah Kota Serang telah melaksanakan
RAKYAT.NEWS, JAKARTA – Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Darat (Kadispenad), Brigjen Wahyu Yudhayana telah mengungkapkan rencana untuk
RAKYAT.NEWS, JAKARTA – Menteri Kesehatan, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, mengadakan pertemuan dengan Presiden Prabowo Subianto di Istana Kepresidenan,
Tim pemandu bakat atlet Seleknas PBSI 2025 diketuai oleh Eng Hian, dengan dukungan dari Umar Djaidi dan Mulyo Handoyo sebagai Wakil Ketua dan
RAKYAT.NEWS, TAKALAR – Pejabat (Pj) Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan, Prof Fadjry Djufry, menegaskan komitmennya dalam mensukseskan program Makan
RAKYAT.NEWS, MAKASSAR – Pasangan Andi Sudirman Sulaiman dan Fatmawati Rusdi (Andalan Hati) akan menjadi Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur baru
RAKYAT.NEWS, JAKARTA – Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN), Prof Zudan Arif sedang menerapkan kebijakan kerja khusus sebagai respon atas
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