JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS– Isma Yatun, Chair of the Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK), reported on the findings of the 13th Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Research Project titled “Remote Audit for SAI: Future and Challenges” during the 60th ASOSAI Governing Board Meeting and the 16th ASOSAI Assembly held in New Delhi, India.

Yatun expressed appreciation for the contributions of 17 supreme audit institutions (SAIs) involved in the project. “This research was approved by the Assembly as a key output of ASOSAI,” she stated in an official announcement.

The assembly, attended by 192 participants from 44 SAIs, featured BPK presenting several key points from the research. A significant focus was on remote auditing, which utilizes information technology and data analytics to gather evidence without the physical presence of auditors. While this approach introduces additional risks, it also offers increased efficiency and flexibility.

Before conducting remote audits, adherence to quality audit standards is crucial, including conducting feasibility assessments to ensure audit quality is maintained.

During the Assembly, BPK was awarded the ASOSAI Journal Award for its contribution to the ASOSAI journal in the April 2021 edition, highlighting its article on “Public Infrastructure Audit Strategy: BPK’s Experience.” This award recognizes BPK’s role in advancing public infrastructure audits.

BPK also participated as a speaker in an ASOSAI symposium discussing its contributions to enhancing Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) in Indonesia, particularly through audits of e-Government conducted in 2018-2019. The presentation highlighted the positive impact of these audits, which helped improve Indonesia’s ranking in the E-Government Development Index (EGDI) from 107 in 2018 to 64 in 2024.