RUSSIA, RAKYAT NEWS – Former Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri has called on governments worldwide to establish international laws governing the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

She made this appeal during a lecture titled “Geopolitical Challenges and Pancasila as a Pathway to a New World Order” at St. Petersburg University in Russia, 16 September 2024, marking the institution’s 300th anniversary.

In her address, Megawati highlighted the risks associated with AI, especially if misused by non-state actors. She pointed out that the current global landscape is marked by complexity, volatility, and uncertainty, which could escalate into conflicts.

“Potential conflicts must be mitigated, including those arising from the misuse of technological advancements like artificial intelligence,” she said.

Megawati acknowledged that while technological progress can enhance living standards, it also poses threats, particularly in the realm of weapons of mass destruction.

She criticized the current geopolitical environment for becoming increasingly complex, multipolar, and influenced by non-state actors, which exacerbates conflicts driven by national interests and resource disputes.

The former president also expressed concern about the growing threats from chemical and biological weapons and emphasized the need for international regulations to address these challenges.

She warned against allowing such laws to become tools for new forms of hegemony.

In her lecture, Megawati invoked the vision of Indonesia’s founding president and his late father Sukarno, recalling his 1960 UN speech advocating for the reform of international institutions.

She stressed the importance of ensuring that any new international laws regarding AI are founded on equality rather than dominance.

Megawati’s lecture was attended by several dignitaries, including Indonesian Ambassador to Russia, Jose Tavares, political analyst and lecturer Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, the Ambassador for Education and Technology to St. Petersburg University (Uki Ruknuddin)