JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS- During the Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) 2024, a significant milestone was reached in Indonesia’s collaboration with Germany in the energy sector.

The Indonesian power giant PT PLN signed an updated memorandum of understanding (MoU) along with two grant agreements with German partners GIZ and KfW, marking a renewed commitment to renewable energy development.

GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, is a German development agency that provides services in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. It focuses on areas such as economic development, environmental protection, and social development, working with both governmental and non-governmental organizations.

KfW: Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, is a German development bank that provides financial services to support development projects, including renewable energy initiatives, infrastructure projects, and economic development programs. It plays a significant role in financing projects aimed at fostering economic growth and sustainable development.

This collaboration, which has been ongoing for over four decades, continues to evolve, focusing on ambitious renewable energy targets within Indonesia’s electricity sector. Since deepening their partnership in 2016, Indonesia and Germany have worked together through GIZ, KfW, and PLN on numerous initiatives aimed at supporting the country’s energy transition.

The cooperation includes financing renewable energy projects, developing transmission and distribution networks, and enhancing technical capacity and training for PLN staff. “This partnership is invaluable to PLN, supporting our efforts to accelerate the energy transition and decarbonize the electricity system. With this collaboration, we are confident that Indonesia can achieve its renewable energy targets while ensuring a reliable and affordable electricity supply,” said Suroso Isnandar, Director of Risk Management at PLN.