Calls for Investigation: Excessive Force Alleged in Semarang and Makassar Protests
27/08/2024 17:40
Oleh : Uki Ruknuddin
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Indonesian Prajogo Pangestu Joins List of Global “Super Billionaires”
Rakyat News English
The majority of super billionaires owe their fortune to sectors that have flourished thanks to technological advancements. For example, Elon Musk,

Despite the positive outlook, the industry faces challenges, including a recent increase in gas prices from $6.5 to $7 per MMBTU. While Asaki has

BNI New York Relocates After 42 Years: A New Chapter in Global Banking
Rakyat News English
The New York office has also played a pivotal role in BNI’s international operations, with total financing exceeding $800 million. This includes

Indonesia Considers Transfer of Bulgarian Prisoners Amid Bilateral Talks
Rakyat News English
The meeting was attended by several high-ranking Indonesian officials, including Deputy Coordinating Minister for Law and Human Rights Otto Hasibuan,

Zehnder expressed optimism about the roadmap for economic growth between the two countries, stating, “We hope to make investing in Indonesia even

To formalize the extension, Bahlil requested Freeport’s President Director, Tony Wenas, to sign an affidavit under oath. This statement will

Other expenses impacting UNTR’s performance included employee costs of Rp 12.8 trillion, depreciation and amortization of Rp 11.2 trillion, and

The situation has escalated as police, military personnel, and heavy machinery have been deployed to the area. The coalition fears that this could
RAKYAT NEWS, BEKASI – Wakil Menteri Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Diana Kusumastuti membicarakan penyebab banjir di beberapa wilayah, termasuk Bekasi,
RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – PSSI telah mengumumkan bahwa tiket pertandingan kandang Timnas Indonesia melawan Bahrain di babak ketiga Kualifikasi
RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – Menteri Koordinator Bidang Pangan Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) meminta Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) untuk turut

Edisi Revisi ‘A. Amiruddin, Nakhoda dari Timur’ Segera Diluncurkan
Rakyat News Makassar
Andi Taufik berharap melalui peluncuran buku A. Amiruddin diharapkan rekam jejak pemikiran dan jejak kepemimpinan Rektor Unhas dan Gubernur Sulsel
RAKYAT.NEWS, JAKARTA – Polisi menjelaskan alasan penahanan Nikita Mirzani sebagai tersangka dalam kasus pengancaman dan pemerasan terhadap
RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – Wakil Menteri Dalam Negeri, Bima Arya Sugiarto mengungkapkan bahwa masih ada pemerintah daerah yang belum memastikan
RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, Yassierli, mengumumkan bahwa aturan terkait pencairan tunjangan hari raya (THR) untuk pegawai

Gubernur Hadiri Ground Breaking Perumahan Bersubsidi Bagi PNPP Polda Sulbar
Rakyat News Sulbar
RAKYAT.NEWS, MAMUJU – Gubernur Sulawesi Barat , Suhardi Duka, menghadiri ground breaking perumahan bersubsidi bagi Pegawai Negeri Pada Polri
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