BPBL stands for **Balai Perikanan Budidaya Laut**, which translates to **Marine Aquaculture Center** in English. It is a specialized research and development facility under Indonesia’s Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) focused on the breeding and cultivation of marine species to support sustainable aquaculture practices.

Indonesia is well-positioned to become a leading global lobster producer due to its substantial supply of lobster seed. Research shows that only 0.01% of wild lobster seeds survive to adulthood, making each seed highly valuable.

Rahayu expressed hope that the brown mussel cultivation technology at BPBL Lombok will be implemented across lobster farming centers, from seedling to grow-out stages.

Bayu Priyambodo, an Aquaculture Analyst at BPBL Lombok, supports this development, stating that brown mussels are an ideal feed for lobsters. The successful breeding and growth of these mussels provide a stable, high-quality feed alternative to the inconsistent and competing fishmeal currently used.

“With brown mussel farming, we will consistently have 100% fresh feed for our farmed lobsters,” Priyambodo added. (Uki Ruknuddin)