JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS– The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is intensifying its partnership with Chinese companies to boost the nation’s oil and gas reserves and production. This move follows Energy Minister Arifin Tasrif’s recent visit to China.

Ariana Soemanto, Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Development at the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, revealed that the ministry, along with SKK Migas and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, is working closely with China to implement advanced technologies and strategies aimed at enhancing oil and gas reserves in Indonesia.

“Two areas in Eastern Indonesia, Buton and Timor, are being targeted for joint studies with Chinese firms Sinopec and Petrochina, which were designated in June 2024. These studies will lead to direct offers for oil and gas work areas, the selection of winners, and subsequent exploration activities,” Soemanto said during a briefing in Batang, Central Java.

In addition, at the Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) auction held in May 2024, Chinese companies also participated in the bidding for five oil and gas blocks.

“This joint study and block auction are part of our strategy to discover new reserves,” Soemanto added.

On the production front, Sinopec is collaborating with PT Pertamina (Persero) to apply new technologies and improve production at five potential Pertamina oil fields. This partnership may involve a new or modified cooperation agreement model, which is anticipated to be faster, more flexible, and attractive.

Currently, the process involves obtaining licenses for data access and finalizing a confidentiality agreement between Pertamina and Sinopec. A technical team from Sinopec will soon conduct studies at Pertamina’s fields to determine suitable technologies and field choices.