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Uki Ruknuddin

Your best news stringer Indonesia
    JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has confirmed that there are no plans to import 1.8
  JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS- PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk, commonly known as Sritex, has officially filed a cassation in response to the bankruptcy ruling
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS — The Indonesian Attorney General’s Office (Kejagung) has successfully repatriated a fugitive involved in an investment
BORNEO, RAKYAT NEWS — Central Kalimantan (Borne) Governor Sugianto Sabran has initiated a program to send a select group of 100 citizens on a
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – President Prabowo Subianto officially inaugurated 53 ministers and agency heads for the Red and White Cabinet. The
  JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – PT Barito Renewables Energy Tbk (BREN) has announced a substantial capital expenditure (capex) budget of USD 165
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – PT Petrosea Tbk’s subsidiary, PT Petrosea Infrastruktur Nusantara (PIN), is currently in the process of acquiring
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) and the Russian Navy are preparing to conduct their inaugural joint military exercise,
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS- The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture has announced that Indonesia needs to produce 20 million kiloliters of crude palm oil
INDONESIA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian National Police (Polri) is currently investigating the recruitment of Indonesian citizens as operators
PHILIPPINE, RAKYAT NEWS – The Philippine government has recently announced a downgrade of visas for Indonesian nationals suspected of working
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The newly inagurated Indonesian Minister of Human Rights, Natalius Pigai, expressed strong optimism about securing an
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Indonesia’s Minister of Youth and Sports, Dito Ariotedjo, has assured the safety of the Bahrain national football team
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – President Prabowo Subianto officially announced his cabinet, named Kabinet Merah Putih, during a ceremony at the Istana
  JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati expressed optimism about Indonesia’s economic outlook, predicting a
    JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – His Excellency Denis Manturov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, arrived in Jakarta
INDONESIA, RAKYAT NEWS — An Italian woman, identified as Giulia Manfrini, 36, tragically lost her life after being impaled by a swordfish (Xiphias
  JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – As Indonesia prepares for the inauguration of Prabowo Subianto as president on 20 October 2024, Amnesty
BANGKOK, RAKYAT NEWS – Thai regional bank KBank is set to strengthen its regional partnerships by collaborating with Bank Maspion in Indonesia,
INDONESIA, RAKYAT NEWS – Renowned global investor Ray Dalio participated as a speaker in a training session for prospective ministers in