OJK Outlines Oversight Strategy for BUMN Banks Under Danantara
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) has outlined its oversight strategy for state-owned enterprise (BUMN) banks under the newly established sovereign wealth fund, Danantara. OJK Chairman Mahendra Siregar emphasized the agency’s commitment to ensuring robust governance, prudent practices, and effective risk management within the financial sector under Danantara’s umbrella.
Speaking at the Monthly Board of Commissioners Meeting (RDKB) on Tuesday (4/3), Siregar highlighted Danantara’s strategic role in enhancing the performance of BUMN entities. He noted that Danantara’s involvement would drive more comprehensive and effective business strategies for state-owned companies, ultimately contributing to their growth and sustainability.
Siregar stressed that OJK’s regulatory and supervisory responsibilities extend to all financial institutions under Danantara, including BUMN banks. The agency will ensure these institutions adhere to strong governance principles, exercise caution in their operations, and implement best practices in risk management.
Danantara, established to manage and optimize state-owned assets, is expected to play a pivotal role in supporting Indonesia’s economic growth. Siregar expressed optimism that Danantara would adopt international best practices for sovereign wealth funds, enabling it to become a robust driver of investment and economic development.
The OJK also pledged to support Danantara’s efforts in conducting detailed socialization and communication programs. These initiatives aim to clarify Danantara’s objectives, governance framework, and risk management strategies to stakeholders, ensuring transparency and alignment with national economic goals.
Siregar underscored the importance of Danantara in addressing Indonesia’s need for substantial investment funding. By leveraging state-owned assets effectively, Danantara is expected to bolster economic growth and provide a stable foundation for long-term development.
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