JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Amnesty International Indonesia has condemned the excessive actions taken by police and civil servants which locally known as Pegawai Negri Sipil or Aparat Sipil Negara (ASN or PNS) against school students in Papua who have been protesting against the government’s free nutritious meal program (MBG).

The protests took place in various cities across Papua, where students voiced their opposition to the MBG initiative. The organization calls for an immediate end to the intimidation of these students and for an investigation into the use of excessive force.

Usman Hamid, the Executive Director of Amnesty International Indonesia, strongly criticized the actions of the authorities. He stated that “Intercepting or even detaining students who wish to peacefully protest against the MBG program, without a justified legal reason, is a clear violation of human rights.” Hamid further emphasized that the use of warning shots and tear gas in response to student demonstrations was excessive and unwarranted.

The police, Hamid added, must investigate whether the actions of their officers were in line with the law. The reckless use of warning shots and tear gas against schoolchildren during a peaceful protest constitutes a severe human rights violation. “Excessive force should never be the response to peaceful protests, especially when it involves students,” he said.

In addition to the police, a PNS/ASN was also seen engaging in violent physical actions, including kicking a student. Ironically, this act of violence occurred in front of security officers who should have been protecting the students from harm. This incident was captured on video and raised further concerns about the treatment of Papuan students.

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