JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – In response to recent attacks on peaceful demonstrations and discussions in Indonesia, Usman Hamid, Executive Director of Amnesty International Indonesia, has called for an immediate investigation into the instigators behind these violent incidents.

“Over the past week, the public has once again witnessed unprofessional behavior from the police. It appears that law enforcement has tacitly approved the actions of individuals taking the law into their own hands,”

“These groups have resorted to violence, targeting peaceful protests and legitimate gatherings.” he stated

The attacks were recorded during the Global Climate Strike on September 27 and a discussion forum on September 28 in Jakarta. Additionally, in Central Java, assailants vandalized crops and seized banners belonging to local farmers, representing a direct assault on their civil liberties. Such actions are indefensible and must not be tolerated.

“In times like these, it is crucial for law enforcement to protect citizens from the reckless actions of irresponsible groups. Instead, the police were present at the scene and appeared to allow these violations to occur, essentially endorsing illegal behavior. Officers are meant to safeguard those exercising their rights peacefully,” he emphasized.

“Why did the police seem to shield the attackers? Who is orchestrating these assaults on peaceful gatherings?”

The Indonesian Constitution and various laws guarantee citizens their human rights, including civil liberties such as the right to assemble and express opinions, as well as social freedoms like farming and reaping its benefits.

These rights are also protected under international law. Intimidation tactics like these cannot be overlooked.