WNT, RAKYAT NEWS – As the MotoGP event approaches at the Mandalika Circuit in West Nusa Tenggara, significant security deployments have sparked criticism from human rights organizations.

Usman Hamid, Executive Director of Amnesty International Indonesia, has raised alarms about the government’s heavy-handed tactics during this high-profile international occasion.

Hamid described the situation, stating, “The excessive security measures and anti-protest stance are standard practices of the state during international events.”

For the MotoGP, authorities have mobilized thousands of security personnel, equipped with water cannons and bomb disposal units, to maintain order.

Notably, the government has prohibited individuals from demonstrating or displaying banners during the event, despite the absence of any legal restrictions on public expression. This raises serious concerns regarding the right to free speech in Indonesia.

“This heavy-handed approach indicates that the government continues to stifle critical voices, particularly from local indigenous communities directly affected by the construction of the Circuit and the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK),” Hamid stated, highlighting the plight of marginalized groups.

Local communities have repeatedly called for justice regarding their rights, including land rights and the right to a decent living.

LHowever, their pleas have been met with suppression and intimidation, exacerbated by the presence of security forces.

Amnesty International is urging the Indonesian government and local authorities in West Nusa Tenggara to immediately cease all restrictions on freedom of expression. Such actions, they argue, deepen social divisions and violate human rights principles.

According to Usman Hamid, international events like the MotoGP should provide Indonesia with a platform to showcase its commitment to human rights and social justice. Instead, they risk becoming venues for silencing dissent and suppressing community voices.