ISRAEL, RAKYAT NEWS – In a recent address, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized Israel’s proactive stance on security, asserting that the nation does not wait for threats but actively anticipates and neutralizes them.

He stated, “We eliminate senior officials, eliminate terrorists, eliminate missiles—our hands are bent.”

This declaration highlights Israel’s commitment to maintaining a robust defense posture against perceived threats.

Netanyahu reinforced the message that any attempt to harm Israel would be met with even greater force.

“Whoever tries to hurt us, we hurt him even more,” he declared, underscoring a strategy of deterrence aimed at discouraging adversaries.

This approach seeks to instill a sense of caution in those considering hostile actions against the nation.

The Prime Minister also spoke about the need to shift the security balance in northern Israel, revealing that efforts are underway to dismantle missile and rocket threats aimed at Israeli cities.

He promised significant progress in changing the balance of power, which is crucial for ensuring the safety of Israeli citizens.

Acknowledging the complexity of the current situation, Netanyahu appealed to the citizens of Israel for cooperation.

He urged them to follow the directives of the Home Front Command, emphasizing that adherence to these guidelines is vital for saving lives during these challenging times.

“Together we will stand with them, together we fight,” he declared, calling for national unity and resilience.

The Prime Minister’s message seeks to inspire confidence among Israelis as they navigate the uncertainties of the regional security landscape.

Netanyahu’s remarks reflect an understanding of the psychological impact of security threats on the Israeli populace.

He highlighted the importance of determination, responsibility, and patience as key attributes that citizens must embrace in the face of adversity.

The address comes at a time of heightened tensions in the region, with ongoing threats from various militant groups.

Netanyahu’s assurances of a strong defense strategy are aimed at reassuring the public and reinforcing the government’s commitment to national security.

As the situation evolves, the Israeli government continues to monitor threats closely, ready to respond decisively.

With a focus on unity and strength, Netanyahu’s administration aims to uphold the safety and security of all citizens.

In conclusion, Netanyahu’s clarion call to action serves as both a warning to adversaries and a rallying cry for the Israeli people.

With ongoing efforts to secure the nation, the Prime Minister’s leadership will be crucial in navigating the complexities of the current security environment. (Uki Ruknuddin)