JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS- The september 7, 2024, marks two decades since the assassination of Munir Said Thalib, a dedicated human rights activist whose killers have yet to face justice, according to Amnesty International Indonesia.

“Munir’s murder was not an ordinary crime but an extraordinary one, carried out systematically with strong indications of high-level state involvement, particularly by intelligence officials who abused their power, including through certain government-affiliated flights,” said Usman Hamid, Executive Director of Amnesty International Indonesia.

“Our law enforcement capabilities should not be doubted; no matter how complex the crime, it can be uncovered. Unfortunately, this capability is hindered by a political reluctance to pursue legal action to resolve this case. There are still legal avenues, including police investigations and judicial reviews,” Usman added.

Usman acknowledged the comments of Komnas HAM Commissioner Hari Kurniawan, who informed the media that the pro-justicia investigation into Munir’s case is ongoing, involving the collection of evidence and witness testimonies.

Komnas HAM and various human rights organizations have repeatedly urged the Attorney General to act on Komnas HAM’s investigation findings, including calling for the establishment of an ad hoc human rights court by the President and the DPR. However, political will remains absent. Even if Komnas HAM completes its investigation, its results will still depend on the government’s willingness to act.

On September 7, 2004, Munir died from a lethal dose of arsenic on a Garuda flight from Jakarta to Singapore to Amsterdam. Despite efforts by the Fact-Finding Team, the National Police, the Attorney General, and the courts, the case remains unresolved since the end of 2008.