Asian Development Bank Engages with Makassar on Financial Governance and Management
31/08/2024 12:03
Oleh : Uki Ruknuddin
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The TNI Bill under discussion has been a source of contention for months. Civil society groups argue that the draft legislation contains problematic

Another notable aspect of the initiative is Pramono’s proposal for creating a dedicated “cat island” in Jakarta’s Thousand Islands

Elnusa also made significant progress in drilling and well maintenance, completing 73 projects that included hydraulic workover, well cementing, and

“Placing active-duty military personnel in civilian roles such as those within the Attorney General’s Office or the KKP goes against the core

Agus Noorsanto highlighted the importance of collaboration between the government, exporters, and the banking sector. “Through this synergy,

In recent days, several members of Polri have been implicated in a series of criminal acts. In Grobogan, Central Java, a snail collector was

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Rakyat News Makassar
RAKYAT.NEWS, MAKASSAR – Yayasan Mustika Amaliah kembali menggelar Tadaruz Ramadan, tradisi tahunan yang telah berlangsung selama 20 tahun. Kegiatan

The TNI Bill under discussion has been a source of contention for months. Civil society groups argue that the draft legislation contains problematic

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Wakil Wali Kota Bekasi Resmikan Gedung SMA Al Azhar 33
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Menutup sambutannya, Harris Bobihoe mengumumkan program Pemerintah Kota Bekasi yang memberikan beasiswa ke luar negeri bagi generasi muda Kota
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