JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian Geothermal Association (API) has voiced its support for Indonesia’s goal of becoming a global leader in geothermal energy development and utilization.

API Chairman Julfi Hadi emphasized the significant potential of geothermal energy as a renewable resource in Indonesia. “To maximize this potential, effective collaboration among various stakeholders is crucial,” he stated in Jakarta

He outlined that achieving this goal requires strong cooperation between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as the government representative, independent power producers (IPPs) as developers, PLN as the buyer (offtaker), and API as professionals.

Three cooperation models could expedite the national geothermal energy potential, including binary power plants to enhance resource efficiency, acquisitions and mergers to expand operations and production capacity, and joint ventures between state-owned enterprises or local companies with foreign firms to attract new investments and innovations in technology and bureaucracy.

To foster this collaboration, API is organizing The 10th Indonesia International Geothermal Conference and Exhibition (IIGCE) 2024, scheduled for September 18-20, 2024, at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). This event will feature experts and practitioners from around the world to introduce the latest innovations and best practices for Indonesia.

“The event will provide opportunities to share knowledge, introduce new technologies, and establish strategic partnerships to accelerate geothermal projects,” he added.

The event’s organizer, Boyke Bratakusuma, expressed confidence that the synergy among stakeholders will help the government meet its renewable energy targets, positioning Indonesia as a global leader in sustainable geothermal energy utilization.


It advocates for three strategic cooperation models. These include the development of binary power plants to enhance geothermal efficiency, mergers and acquisitions to expand operational capacity, and joint ventures with international companies to bring in new investments and technological innovations.