
Rakyat News English

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RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – Putra Mahkota Arab Saudi, Pangeran Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), tidak suka dengan jika Kamala Harris, Wakil Presiden
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS— The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), is
RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – Sebuah lembaga yang disebut “People Court” telah mengirimkan surat penangkapan simbolis kepada Presiden
BALI, RAKYAT NEWS— The Ngurah Rai Immigration Office in Bali has revealed that ten Chinese nationals were detained for engaging in illegal
RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – Norwegia menyatakan bahwa pandangan penasihat Mahkamah Internasional (ICJ) tentang pendudukan Israel di Palestina sangat
RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – Kementerian Luar Negeri Arab Saudi menyatakan keprihatinan terhadap situasi eskalasi militer di Yaman yang dipicu oleh
INDONESIA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Erick Thohir, announced that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS— The Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman, announced that the biofuel industry is ready to support the B50
RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – Kelompok Houthi Yaman, Sabtu (20/7), berjanji untuk menanggapi serangan udara Israel di Yaman barat. Juru bicara Houthi,
RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – Bentrokan antara demonstran dan aparat penegak hukum di Bangladesh semakin meningkat ketegangannya, dan insiden ini
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS— Deputy Minister of Investment/Deputy Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Yuliot Tanjung announced that the
INDONESIA, RAKYAT NEWS- Gunung Merapi or the volcanic Merapi, located on the border between Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, has
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS — The Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) Authority and the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) have established a strategic
RAKYAT NEWS, JAKARTA – Donald Trump, Calon Presiden dari Partai Republik AS, berjanji akan mengakhiri krisis internasional dan mengembalikan
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Bank Indonesia (BI) forecasts that Indonesia’s economic growth in 2024 will range between 4.7% and 5.5%, driven by
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS— Amnesty International Indonesia is condemning the recent attack on Yan Christian Warinussy, a prominent human rights lawyer
RAKYAT NEWS, INTERNATIONAL – Biro Penyelidikan Federal Amerika Serikat (FBI) telah menemukan barang mencurigakan kedua di rumah Thomas Matthew
Donald Trump

Sosok Wakil Donald Trump di Piplres AS 2024

RAKYAT NEWS, INTERNATIONAL – Mantan Presiden AS Donald Trump mengumumkan pada Senin bahwa Senator Ohio JD Vance akan menjadi calon wakil
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS— U.S. Deputy Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Jose W. Fernandez, has expressed strong
RAKYAT NEWS, INTERNATIONAL – Presiden Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, mengutuk serangan udara oleh Israel di wilayah aman di Gaza selatan